After the Virus - a Surviralist's Journal
From the post-apocalyptic novel After the Virus - A Surviralist's Journal (available on Amazon). When a deadly mutated virus sweeps the globe, survival expert Will Scott knows that his only chance is in the remote Ishi Wilderness, once the domain of “America’s last wild Indian”. He soon finds that surviving the elements is nothing compared to the relentless pursuit of a failed-state militia bent on killing every “surviralist” existing outside of the quarantine zone. When he rescues a teenage girl named Hope, whose family has been slaughtered and trains her in wilderness self-sufficiency, her skills eventually exceed even his. His compassion is repaid when Hope becomes the provider and the warrior needed for them to endure. Told first-person in the style of a daily diary, each episode contains one or more day’s journal entries of nearly 12 months on the run in the wild.
29 episodes
Season 2 Episode 1: P.V.11 - Eleven Years Post Virus
Contained here is a reading of Chapters one and two of Book Two of The Surviralist’s Series: Surviralist’s Birthright.As of March 14, 2034, it has been estimated that approximately four million humans remained al...
Season 2
Episode 1

BONUS Episode: Author Interview
This interview was recorded on April 16, 2021 by Gayle Kimball for her radio show "Ask Dr, Gayle" on KZFR public radio in Chico, Ca, She asks great questions that elicit answers about details of story and the motivation behind producing i...
Season 1
Episode 0
Episode 27: Terminus et Exordium
“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”-Ariel Durant (1944). “The Story of Civilization: Caesar and Christ, a history of Roman civilization and of Christianity from their beginn...
Season 1
Episode 27

Episode 26: Running the Gauntlet
There is no turning back as they fight their way towards the final resolution. A battle at a bridge nearly finishes them, but then suddenly they find themselves blocked by an obstacle they never imagined.
Season 1
Episode 26

Episode 25: Deliverance
While Keisha and her boatmates choose to stay on the river, Sheila leads a convoy of massive farm vehicles for a hellish ride through the Sacramento Bypass. They find DELIVERANCE at the Deep-water Shipping Channel, is the name an omen or a crue...
Season 1
Episode 25

Episode 24: Hopeless
Time is running out and their pursuers are becoming increasingly deadly. Even as they meet new allies, the loss of a beloved comrade makes some question their purpose. “To live without Hope is to Cease to live.”Fyodor Dos...
Season 1
Episode 24

Episode 23: He DIED Defending Them.
Heroism is still heroism even if no one is left to acknowledge or remember it. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? We know in our hearts that the answer is yes.“You know the problem with ...
Season 1
Episode 23

Episode 22: River Pirates
With the PM searching closer and closer to the roundhouse, the family bugs-out sooner than expected. The river is their fastest route. Unfortunately, River Pirates act just like regular pirates, only on the river.
Season 1
Episode 22

Episode21: War Pigeons
An archipelago of resistance camps. Communication is vital. The grid is history. Tech is dead. From Julius Caesar’s messages to Gaul, to WWII’s British Air Ministry, when the going got tough the War Pigeons got going.
Season 1
Episode 21
Episode 20: The Family
First it was just Will, alone. Hope gave purpose to Will’s existence. Providence led them to Laurel. The burned man meant to kill. Billy and Dusty betrayed them. Militia hunted them. Zekes wanted to eat them. Can they tr...
Season 1
Episode 20

Episode 19: Needed Help Dying
The “fight or flight response” is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepar...
Season 1
Episode 19

Episode 18: The Best Defense…
Though the elements have challenged their wilderness skills, descending back into the domain of the hostiles will force them to call on Will’s combat skills and Hope’s marksmanship. The best defense is a good offense.
Season 1
Episode 18

Episode 17: Breaking the Eradication Code
Your only contact with the outside world is six distinct sets of tones, repeated ad nauseam over a marine radio. What could they mean?It’s a code! Decode it and you may live, fail and you might not.The clock is ticking...
Season 1
Episode 17

Episode 16: A Change of Seasons
Sometimes, change is the only constant. Allies and enemies come and go. Mountains lead to valleys. Streams become lakes, water becomes ice. Winter is coming and along with it comes new challenges.Want to read the entire story? Paperback and...
Season 1
Episode 16

Episode 15: Tom and the Zekes
Tom. Friend or foe? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. In the new paradigm of existence, enemies come in many new and evolving forms. But Zekes aren’t new…we just forgot about them.Enjoying the story? Kindly leave a brief review at htt...
Season 1
Episode 15

Episode 14: Infected
It’s easy to think of survival skills as a panacea for thriving in the wild. In reality they are but a stopgap. If highly skilled and extremely lucky they may allow one to live at a basic level for a time. Illness, injury, misfortune or careles...
Season 1
Episode 14

Episode 13: Buck Fever
Along with the human Ebola pandemic brought on by the planets degraded environment and altered climate, other pathogens wreaked havoc on plants, insects, fish, birds and mammals. After temporarily evading their human pursuers, Will and Hope are...
Season 1
Episode 13

Episode 12: The Quick and the Dead
One man alone in the wilderness, no matter how skilled, is hard-pressed to survive the rigors of weather, predators, securing food and finding shelter. Add a second person to the scenario and the prospects for survival increase dramatically. Bu...
Season 1
Episode 12

Episode 11: As a Hunter Hangs a Deer
For a species to endure, there must be a continuum of luck, skill and conditions conducive to survival. The weak, unskilled or unlucky are culled, the agile or fortunate are left to carry on. The story goes on, but the story-teller changes. His...
Season 1
Episode 11
Season 1 Episode 10: The VNC
Some of our most admirable human qualities, care and trust, can also be our downfall. How many times must Will learn that when you allow yourself to trust, you not only risk your own survival, you endanger those you love? In the savagery of the...
Season 1
Episode 10

Season 1 Episode 9: A Distant Rumble
Trekking deeper into the wilderness, Will and Hope settle into a serene location overlooking Mill Creek. Before long, their peace is shattered first by distant bombs and planes, then by the intrusion of two haggard refugees. Just passing throug...
Season 1
Episode 9

Season 1 Episode 8: Catching a Buzz
Fire has consumed almost all of the supplies and equipment, and has driven the game out of the canyon. In order to survive the present and provision for the future the best option is to head northwest, to the even more remote Mill Creek Cany...
Season 1
Episode 8

Season 1 Episode 7: The Simoom of Change
Surviving in the wild can be like playing a board game – the board (the outdoors) remains the same but the dice (your skills) can change your odds of winning. Thriving in the wilderness is dependent on knowing the constants of the game board: e...
Season 1
Episode 7

Season 1 Episode 6: Fast Learner
In addition to the many wilderness skills that Hope is learning and practicing, Will knows that self-defense skills may be the most important lessons. When he shows her the: eye gouge, groin kick, heel palm strike and elbow strike, she picks th...
Season 1
Episode 6

Season 1 Episode 5: One and Done
Just as Hope has given Will a renewed purpose to survive, a misguided paramilitary force seeks to destroy anyone existing outside of their quarantine zones. In this episode Will and Hope are systematically hunted from ridgetop to creek bottom. ...
Season 1
Episode 5